Friday, June 25, 2010

QuEChERS and the Gulf Coast Oil Spill

In the aftermath of the recent Gulf Coast Oil Spill, concerns are being raised about the quality of water, food, wildlife contaminations in the area.

UCT is the world leader in Environmental/Food Analysis Products and can provide services in the areas of Solid Phase Extraction as well as QuEChERS approaches for the GC, GC-MS, and LC-MS/MS instrumentatal analysis to the highest standards.

As the innovators of QuEChERS we can offer government, environmental, contract, and other reglatory facilities the most effective procedures, methods and materials for the determination of such compounds as Oil and Greases, PCB, PAH and other organic contaminants, pollutants in waters, food (seafood/ other consumables), soils/sludges using conventional and dispersive SPE over an extensive range of sorbents. For our full range of environmental analyses materials visit or call 1-800-385-3153

Monday, June 14, 2010

QuEChERS poster in France the week of June 20th

Next week one of our Environmental specialists will be presenting our QuEChERS poster at The European Pesticide Residue Workshop (EPRW) June 20-24 in Strasbourg, France. Stop by and say hello as we will be exhibiting with our French distributor, SDS.