Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy Holidays from UCT

As we look to 2011, we are excited to begin celebrating our 25th anniversary as your most reliable supplier of solid phase extraction products. This year we have many new products and projects on the horizon which, as always, should make your job easier in the lab.

We thank you for your support, loyalty and continued business as we look forward to the next 25!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Photos from the 2nd annual UKIAFT meeting in Glasgow

Pictured here is our very own Dr. Jeff Hackett (right) is presenting Prof. John S. Oliver (left) the SPE Lifetime achievement award for services to Forensic Toxicology in the field of solid phase extraction.

This second photo is the entire group of attendees at the 2nd annual UKIAFT meeting in Glasgow, hosted by Dr. Gail Cooper, Prof. David Osselton, and Dr. Simon Elliot . International attendees include Dr. Christine Moore, Dr.Marilyn Huestis and Dr. Michael Smith. This group represents Forensic Toxicologists from the major UK and Ireland facilities.